Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What we've been up to lately...

For those of you who want to know what I've been up to lately.... Brad and I moved to Perry in 2005 three months after we had our second girl (Molly). The summer of 2006 I FINALLY finished my master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I got to be a stay at home mom for the first time for real and that ended in February 2008 when I started a job at Weber Human Services. I am currently working as a Substance Abuse Therapist on the Criminal Justice Services team here. I work with some really great people and have been having fun, but missing being home with my girls. In April I auditioned for my first stage production since High School and fell in love with theatre again. Brad is not the happiest about the time I spend away from home, but he is being supportive. Reagan is going into the 4th grade this year and Molly is learning so much that I think she'll be ready for college by age 5. Brad is working as an Accountant at Nucor Building Systems in Brigham City and I'm waiting for the big bucks to start rolling in :). He is actually working for the same company as his brother Mike, so they occasionally see each other. Jeff just started working as an accountant for Vulcraft, right down the road from Brad's place of work, so they go and screw around during lunch (usually playing tennis). Brad and I will have been married 10 - count them - 10 years this August. He continues to be the best mistake I ever made. I love you Brad!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh crap

So my cousin Erin Palmer was talking to me about this blogging thing and I decided to check it out. So I've never done it, never seen it (I know, where have I been?) and it looked like fun (sort of). So here I am in cyberworld and let me just say - I DON'T GET IT! So be patient with me.
Oh yeah, I'm lazy too, so hopefully I'll adequately keep up with all you seasoned pro's, but don't bet on it.