Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh crap

So my cousin Erin Palmer was talking to me about this blogging thing and I decided to check it out. So I've never done it, never seen it (I know, where have I been?) and it looked like fun (sort of). So here I am in cyberworld and let me just say - I DON'T GET IT! So be patient with me.
Oh yeah, I'm lazy too, so hopefully I'll adequately keep up with all you seasoned pro's, but don't bet on it.


Jaci said...

so fun! glad you started a page. thanks for the cute comment you left me. made my day! hope summer is treating you well!~
Love, jaci

Erin Rupp Bowcutt said...

Woo Hoo! You did it!! I am so excited to keep up with you this way! KEEP UP THE POSTS!